Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ramen and toast is not as good as once thought.

Holy horse shit! It's been a year since I wrote a blog! Well what has happened in those 3 months I just called a year? Well to be honest I don't remember. I just know that 2011 is the year of hating everything. I hate school. I hate the internet. I hate people. I hate everything. But on a lighter note, I don't actually hate everything. Just everything that doesn't benefit me directly at the moment. Like people sitting on the other side of the cafeteria, I hate them. But my friends sitting next to me? I don't hate them. And this bowl of ramen I'm eating. I don't hate it.

Spring break is coming up! Whoop whoop! Starting Friday afternoon I don't have school for a whole week! Too bad that the warmest it's going to get is maybe 50. I fucking hate where I live. The weather is so unpredictable, cruel, and just downright gay. I bet if the weather was a person it would be a really chill guy, but then out of nowhere he would pull your pants down and start fucking you in the ass and not even give you a reach-around. Unpredictable, cruel, and just downright gay. Fuck this town.

After Spring break I'll have just a few weeks left of school and I am done for a whole three months! Last day is June 24! Then I go to a different school where I know about 10-15 people. WOO! Well on the bright side I really do hate Ludlow. I guess that's all. I guess I'll try and write more of these more often!