Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Since it's New Years Eve I decided to post my list of New Year's Resolutions! I already marked off the ones I've done. (I don't give a shit if it's not a new year until tomorrow. I'm doing it anyway)

Make list of New Year's Resolutions.*
Marks off things I've done.*
Get a job.
Listen to music.*
Throw a party.
Go to a party.
Write at least one poem.
Play with fire.
Blow something up.
Pass Junior year.
Start Senior year.
Turn 18.
Buy a laptop.
Eat an vegetable.
Use improper grammar.*
Make corny jokes.*
Think about dragons.*
Buy an iPod.
Get a lip piercing.
Think about unicorns.
Don't die.
Convince someone I'm from another country.
Look at stars.*
Look directly at the sun.
Go temporarily blind.
Point at a live fish.
Throw a rock.
Buy a bike.
Steal something free.

Fuck. I have a lot more to go. I'll let you know when I finish them all!

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