Monday, July 5, 2010

I haven't done this in a while.

It's not that I'm ignoring this or that I have nothing to rant about. I just don't have that much time to do everything I want to. So I guess my posts will happen a little less often than I had expected. But oh well. Time to rant about something.

Rock Band 3. Omg I need this game. I know it's another "useless" music based game where you hit colored buttons but this one is different! It actually teaches you how to play real instruments in a mode called "Pro Mode." Okay so basically you need to buy a bunch of equipment in order to play that. Like buy a special guitar controller with 17 frets, each with 6 buttons representing strings and you have to play actual strings at the bottom while holding down... Fuck explaining. It's called the internet. But anyway yeah it teaches you real guitar from that. Also they will have a keyboard! And I'm so psyched!! I don't even need to buy the keyboard controller. Just this 40 dollar MIDI adapter to let me use my keyboard. It's 40 bucks, plus the $60 game is already 100 dollars, but that's better than paying 20 dollars more and having a keyboard that only scales 2 octaves instead of 6. So I got the better deal. Oh and I can use my electric drum set too so that will finally be played.

Speaking of keyboard, I'm learning how to play. Not how to read sheet music. That's for fags. I go to youtube and search for "how to play [insert song name here] on piano" and learn it in a matter of a few hours to a few days. I know A Thousand Miles and scattered others. I don't think I know one FULL song. I'm too much of a quitter. Haha.

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