Thursday, June 17, 2010

So I probably should post these more often.

But I don't really know what to blog about everyday. Well today was fun already. Went to summer school which sucked but afterward I went to free lunch at the school. Oh boy it was great. We had chicken nuggets and I didn't know this but apparently the limit on trays you can get is two. They told me this AFTER I had already gotten six trays. On the table where me and my friends were sitting we had over 24 trays. Six from me, six from someone else, six from another person, and one to two from various other people. It was pretty awesome cause one of the lunch ladies came over and asked what we were doing. Isn't it obvious? We're eating dumbass. Try to think before you ask questions next time. But yeah that was pretty awesome. Got free beach balls too. But they say, 2005 on them. We got 5 year old beach balls. Five year old balls. Where's Michael Jackson when you need him? Oh yeah. HE DIED.

In all due respect Michael Jackson really was awesome with some of the best music that anyone ever created. At least in the pop genre. Cause seriously I'd much rather listen to Rush, Iron Maiden, Metallica, or something else good. Pop kinda sucks. Not as bad as country tho. I'd rather listen to rap instead of pop or country. And rap is shit.

Note: Not all country and pop sucks. And not all rap is shit.

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