Monday, October 11, 2010

Sugar is a drug

Have you ever eaten so many sweets that afterwards you feel like shit? And I'm not just talking about that sick feeling. I'm talking about that depressed feeling you get when you eat a whole bag of Starburst, half a tube of cookies, and two 2-liters of neon-colored soda. And it's not the fact that you ate all the sweets that gets you depressed but you're depressed because you don't have any more sweets. Doesn't that feel strangely good? I'm pretty sure it's called withdrawal which makes me believe that sugar is a drug. And it probably is. I just don't feel like going to Google and typing in "Is sugar a drug?" because I already know it is. Sugar is a drug just like chocolate, caffeine, and cocaine. But maybe it's not the chocolate itself that's a drug but the sugar inside that gives it it's drug-like qualities. The world may never care.

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