Monday, October 25, 2010

Fucking Fuck

What the fuck is with censorship in the media these days? Seriously, are you too much of a pussy to let your child see a dick or tits on TV when they are two very natural body parts? Or do you just have a stick up your ass. But fuck nudity. What really pisses me off is that you can't say fucking shit on TV or the radio! I'm FUCKING sick and tired of hearing a song come on the radio that's a great song but it says shit one time so they bleep it out. It PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Some people may see me as a 17 year old kid trying to get attention by fucking cussing fucking every fucking other fucking word. Fuck. But really I think that music is a fucking art form. And if the artist decides to spice it up a little by saying fuck, shit, cunt, bitch, cock, weed, or whatever else they bleep out on the radio, then you should leave it that way. Fuck the FCC. I don't see what is wrong with the word fuck at all. It's not just on radio or TV anymore! I was listening to a song on the internet and it even bleeped out the word, "fuck." Sure I can tolerate this crap if it's on the radio or TV but if it's on the fucking internet?! Fuck no!! I want to hear the art the way it was intended. A good example is a song that goes like this, "You look like shit, you smell like shit, so why are you such a dick!" But what I just heard on THE INTERNET, where porn, cusswords, and fecile matter run rampant, was, "You look like, you smell like, so why are you such a." It totally kills the whole song. Not to mention that it makes it one of the worst incomplete sentences I have ever seen. So fuck the fucking media.

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