Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I can't think of a title for this one.

Okay so I know I haven't posted all weekend but I was at my dad's house and the only computer access I had was on a huge HDTV. I didn't want my entire family to read what I'm blogging about while blogging it. If they want to read it they can now. Because it's already posted. But anyway. Wtf is up with people saying "rawr" for no reason? I was talking to someone and they said "rawr okay lol" Or some bullshit like that. I mean seriously? I know it's dinosaur for "I love you" but that doesn't mean you're a fucking dinosaur. I have some advice for all of you who say rawr mindlessly: "You're in your teens. It's time to throw childish things aside." But that's not really my advice. My advice is: "Stop being a fucking dinosaur and get a job." Yeah. I said it.

Aside from that what is going on in the world? Some famous people died. Who gives a fuck? Everybody dies. Want me to prove it? Come over here and let me shove a screwdriver in your temple. Stop complaining about how that one black midget was real good. I don't care. All I remember him by was this game where you killed him in a mall.

Well I'm up at 3 a.m. and it's just a few days before Summer School starts. I'm fucked unless I can get my sleep schedule back on track. Which I hope I can. Because if I have to take that class again next year I'm gonna go apeshit fucking crazy. Social studies is the most pointless class in any school. It should be obliterated. Destroyed. Screw the history. Am I supposed to learn from those mistakes of dead dudes? No. I'll just remember the shitty things I did and remember not to repeat them.

Who thinks I cuss to much? If you do then fuck you. Sorry. I probably love whoever I just said that to but I can't change how I talk when you aren't there. There are quite a few people who don't know just how much I cuss. Which is A WHOLE FUCKING LOT. For me, fuck, shit, piss, and damn are words that are just like "the, I, and." Those three words are said erryday by almost everyone. Go ahead and try to go a few days without saying any of them. And that includes "I'm, I'll, I'd" Or any other of those things with the apostrophe.

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