Friday, June 11, 2010

Camp was... Just read.

Okay I just got back from camp today. And my clock is flashing 1:56. I think the power went out around two hours and a few days ago. Or just two hours. But anyway. I am glad to be home so I can listen to whatever music I want to. I mean the worship band was great and all but one can only take so much Christian rock. Going to camp for the first time was an experience that I won't be forgetting soon. (*one week later* "What was camp?") But yeah for real it was fun. Everyone should go to a camp sometime. And now for the comedic relief.

The entire camp was split up into 12 teams of a bunch of different colors which had a boys side and a girls side and Wednesday was team spirit day. I was on the red team. Just my luck. I have no red clothes. So the girls come up with a bag full of red clothes and one of them hands me a Lincoln Cheerleading shirt. Apparently I wasn't wearing enough red. So the one holding the bag pulls out a skirt. I, of course, put it on. So know I'm wearing a red cheerleader shirt, a red skirt over my blue girl pants (which are mine) and my John Lennon-ish sunglasses with my fedora. If that's not enough, when we get to the worship center I see someone from the boys team putting on lipstick so I thought "Well at least I'm not the only one." So I put some on. My lips. By now I obviously look just like a girl cause all you can see is long hair, a hat, glasses and girl clothes. When we go outside for whatever event it was, someone goes up to my friend, points at me, and says, "Hey. Is she single?" My friend just says, "That's a dude!" I didn't find out till later that night. I almost died of hilarity. And also that night was the first time I ever said, "This tastes funny because of my lipstick." I hope I never say that again.

Also on Thursday there was this thing called the amazing race where we had to go around campus and do random tasks. I guess it's like the show (I wouldn't know. Never seen.) But yeah my team got first! But we didn't get first overall in points. If we did we would've gotten homemade ice cream.

In case you were wondering the teams were:
Light Blue
Dark Blue
Lime Green

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