Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ramen and toast is not as good as once thought.

Holy horse shit! It's been a year since I wrote a blog! Well what has happened in those 3 months I just called a year? Well to be honest I don't remember. I just know that 2011 is the year of hating everything. I hate school. I hate the internet. I hate people. I hate everything. But on a lighter note, I don't actually hate everything. Just everything that doesn't benefit me directly at the moment. Like people sitting on the other side of the cafeteria, I hate them. But my friends sitting next to me? I don't hate them. And this bowl of ramen I'm eating. I don't hate it.

Spring break is coming up! Whoop whoop! Starting Friday afternoon I don't have school for a whole week! Too bad that the warmest it's going to get is maybe 50. I fucking hate where I live. The weather is so unpredictable, cruel, and just downright gay. I bet if the weather was a person it would be a really chill guy, but then out of nowhere he would pull your pants down and start fucking you in the ass and not even give you a reach-around. Unpredictable, cruel, and just downright gay. Fuck this town.

After Spring break I'll have just a few weeks left of school and I am done for a whole three months! Last day is June 24! Then I go to a different school where I know about 10-15 people. WOO! Well on the bright side I really do hate Ludlow. I guess that's all. I guess I'll try and write more of these more often!

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Since it's New Years Eve I decided to post my list of New Year's Resolutions! I already marked off the ones I've done. (I don't give a shit if it's not a new year until tomorrow. I'm doing it anyway)

Make list of New Year's Resolutions.*
Marks off things I've done.*
Get a job.
Listen to music.*
Throw a party.
Go to a party.
Write at least one poem.
Play with fire.
Blow something up.
Pass Junior year.
Start Senior year.
Turn 18.
Buy a laptop.
Eat an vegetable.
Use improper grammar.*
Make corny jokes.*
Think about dragons.*
Buy an iPod.
Get a lip piercing.
Think about unicorns.
Don't die.
Convince someone I'm from another country.
Look at stars.*
Look directly at the sun.
Go temporarily blind.
Point at a live fish.
Throw a rock.
Buy a bike.
Steal something free.

Fuck. I have a lot more to go. I'll let you know when I finish them all!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Been two months.

I wish I had a reason why it's taken me two months to post another blog but I honestly have no reason. I have nothing else I'm working on. But it's not like anyone was hoping to read this anyway. So I guess I'll tell myself what I got for Christmas. A FUCKING HELICOPTER! Among other things. I'll make a list at the end. Right now I'm just gonna rant about something and maybe post a poem. OH! Here's something I thought when I was a kid!

When I was a kid I thought that all food went to the brain and the brain was the king of your body. The brain's chamber was very elaborate, like something you'd see out of a movie with a red carpet and statues and all that shit. But anyway, every time you ate something the brain's servants (who were asparagus for some reason even though I hated it) would bring it to the brain for inspection. If it passed inspection it would be sent to the intestines where it would be a slave, forced to mine nutrients until it dies. If the food failed inspection, it would be beaten into a shitty pulp and forced out of your body. I could probably make a movie out of that because I think it's really badass.

Things I got for Christmas! (so far):
Beatles drinking glasses
1000 piece Sgt. Pepper puzzle
The Beatles: The Illustrated Biography
Air Hogs helicopter
Tub of animal crackers
Breathers (A zombie love story. But not like twilight. More like Pulp Fiction)
Shawshank Redemption
Original Star Wars Trilogy
Batman Hoodie
Call of Duty: Black Ops
And some other shit that I don't feel like listing.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fucking Fuck

What the fuck is with censorship in the media these days? Seriously, are you too much of a pussy to let your child see a dick or tits on TV when they are two very natural body parts? Or do you just have a stick up your ass. But fuck nudity. What really pisses me off is that you can't say fucking shit on TV or the radio! I'm FUCKING sick and tired of hearing a song come on the radio that's a great song but it says shit one time so they bleep it out. It PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Some people may see me as a 17 year old kid trying to get attention by fucking cussing fucking every fucking other fucking word. Fuck. But really I think that music is a fucking art form. And if the artist decides to spice it up a little by saying fuck, shit, cunt, bitch, cock, weed, or whatever else they bleep out on the radio, then you should leave it that way. Fuck the FCC. I don't see what is wrong with the word fuck at all. It's not just on radio or TV anymore! I was listening to a song on the internet and it even bleeped out the word, "fuck." Sure I can tolerate this crap if it's on the radio or TV but if it's on the fucking internet?! Fuck no!! I want to hear the art the way it was intended. A good example is a song that goes like this, "You look like shit, you smell like shit, so why are you such a dick!" But what I just heard on THE INTERNET, where porn, cusswords, and fecile matter run rampant, was, "You look like, you smell like, so why are you such a." It totally kills the whole song. Not to mention that it makes it one of the worst incomplete sentences I have ever seen. So fuck the fucking media.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sugar is a drug

Have you ever eaten so many sweets that afterwards you feel like shit? And I'm not just talking about that sick feeling. I'm talking about that depressed feeling you get when you eat a whole bag of Starburst, half a tube of cookies, and two 2-liters of neon-colored soda. And it's not the fact that you ate all the sweets that gets you depressed but you're depressed because you don't have any more sweets. Doesn't that feel strangely good? I'm pretty sure it's called withdrawal which makes me believe that sugar is a drug. And it probably is. I just don't feel like going to Google and typing in "Is sugar a drug?" because I already know it is. Sugar is a drug just like chocolate, caffeine, and cocaine. But maybe it's not the chocolate itself that's a drug but the sugar inside that gives it it's drug-like qualities. The world may never care.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hello Again Nobody!

Yeah I just posted one of these a few hours ago but I just wanted to throw my deviantart account out so you could visit that. If you want to read poems that is. From now on any poem I write will go to my deviantart account. I already have a few posted there and I will put any that I've posted here, onto deviant. I also just posted a collection of 28 Haikus onto there. Those are really cool. Check those out. And other than the one's on here you've read and the ones on there you'll read, there will also be a whole seven new poems that you probably have never read! No matter how hard I try poetry will never sound cool.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Foods That Should Exist.

Okay so today I was helping my friend upload pictures to Facebook. This would take five minutes or less if I was standing there with them. But when you have to do it through chat and your friend doesn't really know much about computers, it apparently takes you 50 minutes. Which really cuts down on the rest of the time in your day to do whatever it is you need to do. I needed to eat and take a shower but I wanted to do this as quick as possible so I could get back to Facebook and do stupid Facebook shit. So in order to eat as fast as I could I just threw together a ham sandwich. After about half my sandwich I thought, "Fuck! It has never taken me this long to eat a sandwich! I just want a shower!" That is when I had probably the best idea in the history of man. Waterproof bread. Okay it may sound irrational now but imagine that you wake up and you're gonna be late for work! But you still have enough time to take a shower and make a sandwich. Sure you could take a shower, get out, make a sandwich, and eat while you are driving. But if you do that then how will you talk on your cell phone, paint your nails, and drive? Simple. You eat in the shower. Waterproof bread doesn't get soggy from water! Only from saliva! So it won't start to break down until you bite it!

Speaking of food, I have other great ideas for food things that need to be invented. The first one I ever had is ice cream nachos. I bet you just said "Eww." Most people do when I say the name. But that's only because they have no idea what I'm talking about! I'm going to assume that everybody knows what nachos are. And as far as I know, there are only two kinds One kind is the little plastic tray thing you buy at fairs that comes with tortilla chips in a large section and cheese/salsa in a smaller section. The other kind is the loaded kind where there are just a bunch of tortilla chips on a plate and they're covered in meat, cheese, salsa, and whatever else they put on nachos. Ice cream nachos works for both kinds. Instead of meat, cheese, and salsa, you get ice cream and hot fudge. Now that you know what ice cream nachos are don't they sound delicious?

My last idea is a simple one. Rice paper baking cups. This is for those people who are about to bite into a cupcake when they realize that the paper is on it, so they take the paper off but the cupcake falls apart and crumbles to the ground. Well with rice paper baking cups you don't need to worry about peeling back the paper because they're 100% edible! So no more eaten paper and no more crumby cupcakes!