Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I guess I'll do another.

I'm not really in a ranting mood so anyone who was hoping for a rant... Well... I'm sorry I guess? I just am happy. Fuck now I'm mad cause I realized I'm mad. But still happy. I'll explain that first. I just love life right now. It's like, so awesome, dude. I've recently realized how awesome I am. And it seems like everybody loves me. It's great.
But anyway, "Fuck now I'm mad" story. I stayed up until 2 in the fucking morning trying to finish that Social Studies extra credit and I didn't even finish it. Then cause I was so tired I didn't wake up until there was only like half an hour left for the exam. I thought about going in and answering everything as "C" but I decided that might insult my lovely teacher Mrs. Hodge. So I came in for my Chemistry exam. For that I knew most of the material but I guessed on most of the math ones. I still got a 78 on it. Pretty good if you ask me.
Tomorrow is Fine Arts and English. Very fun I know. I'll let you know how that goes. Oh and after that... NO MORE SCHOOL!! Except for summer school. But that doesn't count. And after school tomorrow I'm either going to a lake in Ohio (East Fork Lake for all you stalkers) or go to church like I normally do (sorry not telling. I don't want you to know THAT much about me). Just depends on how nice my mom is gonna be.
This summer is gonna be the best ever. I'm gonna see how many fights I can get in and win. I'm a pacifist btw so I don't throw punches. (I told someone once: "I'm a pacifistic optimist who loves love. A hippy") Yet I have won quite a few fights somehow. I've only punched... Like five people no lie and I plan to keep it that way. I do talk an awful lot of shit tho.

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