Friday, May 28, 2010

Well it's official.

I totally failed my civics class for the year. As suspected I did NOT get the 113.5 on my final. Instead I got a 74, making my final year average a total of 58.65. But that doesn't make me stupid. I am in fact very smart. I just don't care. And I'm lazy. Other than my shitty civics grade I got some other good grades. Everything except a D. In Advanced Computer & Tech App I got a 95 A and the gold medal because I was the TOP STUDENT. Not that it matters; that's a horse shit class anyway. In Fine Arts I got an 87 B but not that it matters in this class either. Very dumb and pointless to have. In Honors Algebra II I got a 95 A. BOO-YAH BITCH!! A FUCKING A!! IN THE HARDEST CLASS OF THAT YEAR!!* Yeah you actually need this class I think. In Chemistry I got an 84 C. Also grade but I don't think that one matters much to me. And in my English II class I had received an 80 C. Yeah to me that's pretty good. But I don't need English. I can speak it good.

Anyway... I say anyway too much. Need a different word or something. Anyway I'm probably gonna stay up real late tonight watching movies. Never mind I still don't feel like hooking up my Xbox. I guess I'll just do whatever. Watch the stars. Maybe watch the sunrise. Which way is east? Never... Eat... Soggy... Fuck it's eat. My house is in the way. Oh and the rest of Ludlow cause I'm at the bottom of the entire hill. I wanna go to the incinerator and spend the night there. I gotta stop writing so much on these. It's not like anyone will ever read them. I guess it's my own personal electronic diary that MIGHT be read by a select few. And I don't select them... Yeah... Whatever. I'm done for now.

*I mean for other people. That class was easy for me. AS SHOWN WITH MY 95 FUCKING PERCENT A!!

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