Monday, May 24, 2010

Talking out my ass.

This is a blog. By me. NotCody Gavin. I hope you enjoy reading it more than I enjoy typing it out because I am really bored right now. I need a topic to blog about for future blogs. If anyone is reading this and would enjoy me ranting about something rather than just talking out my ass then comment on my latest blog whatever topic. I mean what else am I supposed to do? I guess I'll talk about school. I fucking hate it. My school at least. I've been going there since preschool. I'm tired of it. After 12 years of the same school I just don't care. I wake up at 8, run to school, then either not do my work or just copy off of someone. And in social studies I only do tests and the work that the teacher tells us the answers for. I'm gonna fail that class unless I get a 113.5% or higher on my final on Wednesday. It's theoretically possible if I do this definition thing with 94 words on it. I'll get 20 e.c. points on my exam and from there I just have to get a 100. But since I haven't really been paying attention that ain't gonna happen.
Also FUCK MY COMPUTER! Every 15 to 60 minutes the sound just shuts off and I have to restart whatever it was I was listening to music on! Here I was singing along to Every Rose Has It's Thorn and all of a sudden the sound stops and I hear how tone deaf I am! Fuck! Also It doesn't play movies cause it's Ubuntu and Ubuntu's a bitch. I tried to watch Tropic Thunder on my computer only to find out I can't. And I really don't want to hook up my Xbox just to watch a movie.
Oh Xbox. New topic.
I love Xbox but hate how I have no money to buy games or even Live. I haven't been able to play online since February. And even if I did have money I wouldn't want to spend it now. Two sequels that I NEED are coming out this Summer/Fall. Dead Rising 2 and Portal 2. If you are not familiar with either then go fuck yourself. Uh I mean... Ever heard of Google? Yeah it's not that hard to type in two or three fucking words so don't ask me about them.

Disclaimer: I cuss too much.

EDIT: My Social Studies exam was Tuesday. Not Wednesday. I missed cause I stayed up so late trying to do that crappy extra credit. Then I woke up late for school, looked at my clock, and slammed my fists on the desk screaming, "FUCK!"

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