Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dear everyone.

STOP FUCKING SAYING RAWR FOR NO REASON! It's so annoying! We all know it means "I love you" in dinosaur. But that doesn't mean you're a fucking dinosaur! "Rawr what's up?" Oh wait I'm sorry usually it's "Rawr wats up?" First you think you're a dinosaur and now you can't even spell? Or "I Rawr you?" What you're saying there is "I I love you you." Not only do you look like an idiot for saying rawr but now also for not knowing how to talk at all.

And another thing. I hate silly bands. Anybody else? I wonder how those started. "Hey look a rubber band shaped like a circle! I bet I could make that a stupid little penguin instead!" And somehow they became huge. Fuck silly bands or crazy bands or shit bands or whatever the fuck they're called.

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