Monday, September 13, 2010

So anyway...

Yeah now that I'm back in school and have nothing to do I'll probably start updating my blog that nobody reads again. It gives me something to do. Also I'll start writing some books. They probably won't get published but I think I have better ideas than most of those New York Times Bestseller Jackoffs. Like that guy that wrote Catcher in the Rye? That was super shitty. And apparently it's a world renowned book that's both a literary work of art, and a controversial piece of shit. I don't think it's either. Just shitty. I did want to kill John Lennon after reading but he's been dead for quite some time. Somebody had the same idea as me probably. Yeah my ideas for books would probably just be something like, "1000 Ways to Insult People," and there would be a sequel; "1000 Ways to Insult People From Other Countries." Probably only available in America. Other ideas include: "The History of Things That Don't Suck," "Things Everybody Hate," "Why Everything Tastes Like Chicken and other culinary mysteries," and "Where Does That Missing Sock Go?"

Yeah I need to start writing those because I know people will want to read about these things. But first I need to do research about all topics. Shit. Homework that I'm going to do because I want to. I'll probably still procrastinate and get it done at just the last minute. But since I haven't made a deadline for any of them I'll probably never get any of them done.

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