Monday, September 20, 2010

Late Night Ranting!

Okay so it's 2 in the morning on a Sunday*, I'm not tired, and I have school starting in about 6 hours. Fuck. Actually fuck saying fuck. I'm glad I'm up. I just talked to someone for like three or four hours. Two whole hours of that was just about The Beatles. And now I'm lending them more Beatles stuff apparently. But I don't mind because I enjoy people who are awesome and who also enjoy the Beatles as much as I do.

Whoa. Sudden realization. Two bands I've loved my whole life, two bands I grew up with, two bands that I listened to for as long as I can remember, are the two bands that have a Rock Band game. That's right. The Beatles and Green Day. If you don't like them then you can go fuck yourself with a rake and if you won't do that I'll be happy to rake fuck you myself. I remember when I was a little kid I sat by the radio listening to Strawberry Fields Forever, and since strawberries were my favorite food at the time, The Beatles instantly were won into my heart. As for Green Day, I remember that whenever we would listen to Dookie in the car and I would ask to see the case. I still remember where Ozzy is. Along with Satan, pumpkin head, Elvis, and the dogs having sex are. I also know what the one missile says, "GOOD BYE." Yeah I want those Rock Band games right now. I also want Dead Rising 2 and Portal 2. Don't feel like explaining those right now but I really want them.

Speaking of the Beatles, my mom made a video for some college class she was in and it is about me. Pretty powerful shit too. It starts off with a bunch of pictures of me when I was super little and my age slowly progresses throughout this all while Across the Universe is playing. The a broken piece of film and My Chemical Romance's Black Parade starts playing showing me in a wheelchair, casts, crutches. Things like that. Then it shows my casts all by one another and then it cuts to me on a bike at a skate park while Back in Black by AC/DC is playing. It's my attempt at bmx but lets be honest I suck.

Video is here if you want to see it. It's called "42: Cody's Story"

*Technically it's Monday but you can go fuck yourself.

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