Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Since it's New Years Eve I decided to post my list of New Year's Resolutions! I already marked off the ones I've done. (I don't give a shit if it's not a new year until tomorrow. I'm doing it anyway)

Make list of New Year's Resolutions.*
Marks off things I've done.*
Get a job.
Listen to music.*
Throw a party.
Go to a party.
Write at least one poem.
Play with fire.
Blow something up.
Pass Junior year.
Start Senior year.
Turn 18.
Buy a laptop.
Eat an vegetable.
Use improper grammar.*
Make corny jokes.*
Think about dragons.*
Buy an iPod.
Get a lip piercing.
Think about unicorns.
Don't die.
Convince someone I'm from another country.
Look at stars.*
Look directly at the sun.
Go temporarily blind.
Point at a live fish.
Throw a rock.
Buy a bike.
Steal something free.

Fuck. I have a lot more to go. I'll let you know when I finish them all!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Been two months.

I wish I had a reason why it's taken me two months to post another blog but I honestly have no reason. I have nothing else I'm working on. But it's not like anyone was hoping to read this anyway. So I guess I'll tell myself what I got for Christmas. A FUCKING HELICOPTER! Among other things. I'll make a list at the end. Right now I'm just gonna rant about something and maybe post a poem. OH! Here's something I thought when I was a kid!

When I was a kid I thought that all food went to the brain and the brain was the king of your body. The brain's chamber was very elaborate, like something you'd see out of a movie with a red carpet and statues and all that shit. But anyway, every time you ate something the brain's servants (who were asparagus for some reason even though I hated it) would bring it to the brain for inspection. If it passed inspection it would be sent to the intestines where it would be a slave, forced to mine nutrients until it dies. If the food failed inspection, it would be beaten into a shitty pulp and forced out of your body. I could probably make a movie out of that because I think it's really badass.

Things I got for Christmas! (so far):
Beatles drinking glasses
1000 piece Sgt. Pepper puzzle
The Beatles: The Illustrated Biography
Air Hogs helicopter
Tub of animal crackers
Breathers (A zombie love story. But not like twilight. More like Pulp Fiction)
Shawshank Redemption
Original Star Wars Trilogy
Batman Hoodie
Call of Duty: Black Ops
And some other shit that I don't feel like listing.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fucking Fuck

What the fuck is with censorship in the media these days? Seriously, are you too much of a pussy to let your child see a dick or tits on TV when they are two very natural body parts? Or do you just have a stick up your ass. But fuck nudity. What really pisses me off is that you can't say fucking shit on TV or the radio! I'm FUCKING sick and tired of hearing a song come on the radio that's a great song but it says shit one time so they bleep it out. It PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Some people may see me as a 17 year old kid trying to get attention by fucking cussing fucking every fucking other fucking word. Fuck. But really I think that music is a fucking art form. And if the artist decides to spice it up a little by saying fuck, shit, cunt, bitch, cock, weed, or whatever else they bleep out on the radio, then you should leave it that way. Fuck the FCC. I don't see what is wrong with the word fuck at all. It's not just on radio or TV anymore! I was listening to a song on the internet and it even bleeped out the word, "fuck." Sure I can tolerate this crap if it's on the radio or TV but if it's on the fucking internet?! Fuck no!! I want to hear the art the way it was intended. A good example is a song that goes like this, "You look like shit, you smell like shit, so why are you such a dick!" But what I just heard on THE INTERNET, where porn, cusswords, and fecile matter run rampant, was, "You look like, you smell like, so why are you such a." It totally kills the whole song. Not to mention that it makes it one of the worst incomplete sentences I have ever seen. So fuck the fucking media.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sugar is a drug

Have you ever eaten so many sweets that afterwards you feel like shit? And I'm not just talking about that sick feeling. I'm talking about that depressed feeling you get when you eat a whole bag of Starburst, half a tube of cookies, and two 2-liters of neon-colored soda. And it's not the fact that you ate all the sweets that gets you depressed but you're depressed because you don't have any more sweets. Doesn't that feel strangely good? I'm pretty sure it's called withdrawal which makes me believe that sugar is a drug. And it probably is. I just don't feel like going to Google and typing in "Is sugar a drug?" because I already know it is. Sugar is a drug just like chocolate, caffeine, and cocaine. But maybe it's not the chocolate itself that's a drug but the sugar inside that gives it it's drug-like qualities. The world may never care.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hello Again Nobody!

Yeah I just posted one of these a few hours ago but I just wanted to throw my deviantart account out so you could visit that. If you want to read poems that is. From now on any poem I write will go to my deviantart account. I already have a few posted there and I will put any that I've posted here, onto deviant. I also just posted a collection of 28 Haikus onto there. Those are really cool. Check those out. And other than the one's on here you've read and the ones on there you'll read, there will also be a whole seven new poems that you probably have never read! No matter how hard I try poetry will never sound cool.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Foods That Should Exist.

Okay so today I was helping my friend upload pictures to Facebook. This would take five minutes or less if I was standing there with them. But when you have to do it through chat and your friend doesn't really know much about computers, it apparently takes you 50 minutes. Which really cuts down on the rest of the time in your day to do whatever it is you need to do. I needed to eat and take a shower but I wanted to do this as quick as possible so I could get back to Facebook and do stupid Facebook shit. So in order to eat as fast as I could I just threw together a ham sandwich. After about half my sandwich I thought, "Fuck! It has never taken me this long to eat a sandwich! I just want a shower!" That is when I had probably the best idea in the history of man. Waterproof bread. Okay it may sound irrational now but imagine that you wake up and you're gonna be late for work! But you still have enough time to take a shower and make a sandwich. Sure you could take a shower, get out, make a sandwich, and eat while you are driving. But if you do that then how will you talk on your cell phone, paint your nails, and drive? Simple. You eat in the shower. Waterproof bread doesn't get soggy from water! Only from saliva! So it won't start to break down until you bite it!

Speaking of food, I have other great ideas for food things that need to be invented. The first one I ever had is ice cream nachos. I bet you just said "Eww." Most people do when I say the name. But that's only because they have no idea what I'm talking about! I'm going to assume that everybody knows what nachos are. And as far as I know, there are only two kinds One kind is the little plastic tray thing you buy at fairs that comes with tortilla chips in a large section and cheese/salsa in a smaller section. The other kind is the loaded kind where there are just a bunch of tortilla chips on a plate and they're covered in meat, cheese, salsa, and whatever else they put on nachos. Ice cream nachos works for both kinds. Instead of meat, cheese, and salsa, you get ice cream and hot fudge. Now that you know what ice cream nachos are don't they sound delicious?

My last idea is a simple one. Rice paper baking cups. This is for those people who are about to bite into a cupcake when they realize that the paper is on it, so they take the paper off but the cupcake falls apart and crumbles to the ground. Well with rice paper baking cups you don't need to worry about peeling back the paper because they're 100% edible! So no more eaten paper and no more crumby cupcakes!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Wants, needs, and don't wants.

I have some great ideas oh yes I do. I have this idea for a tattoo that will BLOW YOUR MIND. Okay so there is a green landscape with a hill on the left and rainbow going across it. On the right is a huge dark green dragon with it's wing's spread behind it and it's breathing fire onto the hill. On the hill is a white majestic unicorn with it's front right hoof hiked up and it has a fierce look in it's eyes. Its horn is deflecting the dragons fire and it creates kind of a semi circle around the unicorn. And in the middle of the two is a lone daisy. This tattoo is the most beautiful and awesome thing I have ever seen and it doesn't even exist. Yet.

Also now that I have my phone back I need to make plans with like A BAJILLION different fucking people! All my friends that I haven't seen in forever (who are girls) want to go hang out and my ex wants to go back out. And I'm not free for two weeks! It couldn't get any more complicated! Oh shit it can! There's also a girl I like! So let's see, take 6-10 girls, one most recent ex girlfriend, one really awesome girl, mix it all together with a confused teenage boy, and what do you get? Sounds to me like a really shitty movie. But it's not a movie. It's real life.

Also I wish more people would subscribe to my blog so it at least gives the illusion of people reading my blog. If you are reading this and are not subscribed, make a blogger account and subscribe right fucking now. Or login and subscribe if you already have one.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Late Night Ranting!

Okay so it's 2 in the morning on a Sunday*, I'm not tired, and I have school starting in about 6 hours. Fuck. Actually fuck saying fuck. I'm glad I'm up. I just talked to someone for like three or four hours. Two whole hours of that was just about The Beatles. And now I'm lending them more Beatles stuff apparently. But I don't mind because I enjoy people who are awesome and who also enjoy the Beatles as much as I do.

Whoa. Sudden realization. Two bands I've loved my whole life, two bands I grew up with, two bands that I listened to for as long as I can remember, are the two bands that have a Rock Band game. That's right. The Beatles and Green Day. If you don't like them then you can go fuck yourself with a rake and if you won't do that I'll be happy to rake fuck you myself. I remember when I was a little kid I sat by the radio listening to Strawberry Fields Forever, and since strawberries were my favorite food at the time, The Beatles instantly were won into my heart. As for Green Day, I remember that whenever we would listen to Dookie in the car and I would ask to see the case. I still remember where Ozzy is. Along with Satan, pumpkin head, Elvis, and the dogs having sex are. I also know what the one missile says, "GOOD BYE." Yeah I want those Rock Band games right now. I also want Dead Rising 2 and Portal 2. Don't feel like explaining those right now but I really want them.

Speaking of the Beatles, my mom made a video for some college class she was in and it is about me. Pretty powerful shit too. It starts off with a bunch of pictures of me when I was super little and my age slowly progresses throughout this all while Across the Universe is playing. The a broken piece of film and My Chemical Romance's Black Parade starts playing showing me in a wheelchair, casts, crutches. Things like that. Then it shows my casts all by one another and then it cuts to me on a bike at a skate park while Back in Black by AC/DC is playing. It's my attempt at bmx but lets be honest I suck.

Video is here if you want to see it. It's called "42: Cody's Story"

*Technically it's Monday but you can go fuck yourself.

Friday, September 17, 2010


One day I'll be famous
And then you'll all see
People can make something from nothing
Even someone like me.
I don't know how I'll get there
But I'll prove you wrong.
More importantly I'll prove myself.
I'll prove myself strong.
Right now you crack jokes
And of me you try to get rid.
One day you'll see me on TV
And say, "I knew that kid."
I made something from nothing;
I proved you wrong.
More importantly I proved myself.
I proved myself strong.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dear everyone.

STOP FUCKING SAYING RAWR FOR NO REASON! It's so annoying! We all know it means "I love you" in dinosaur. But that doesn't mean you're a fucking dinosaur! "Rawr what's up?" Oh wait I'm sorry usually it's "Rawr wats up?" First you think you're a dinosaur and now you can't even spell? Or "I Rawr you?" What you're saying there is "I I love you you." Not only do you look like an idiot for saying rawr but now also for not knowing how to talk at all.

And another thing. I hate silly bands. Anybody else? I wonder how those started. "Hey look a rubber band shaped like a circle! I bet I could make that a stupid little penguin instead!" And somehow they became huge. Fuck silly bands or crazy bands or shit bands or whatever the fuck they're called.

Monday, September 13, 2010

So anyway...

Yeah now that I'm back in school and have nothing to do I'll probably start updating my blog that nobody reads again. It gives me something to do. Also I'll start writing some books. They probably won't get published but I think I have better ideas than most of those New York Times Bestseller Jackoffs. Like that guy that wrote Catcher in the Rye? That was super shitty. And apparently it's a world renowned book that's both a literary work of art, and a controversial piece of shit. I don't think it's either. Just shitty. I did want to kill John Lennon after reading but he's been dead for quite some time. Somebody had the same idea as me probably. Yeah my ideas for books would probably just be something like, "1000 Ways to Insult People," and there would be a sequel; "1000 Ways to Insult People From Other Countries." Probably only available in America. Other ideas include: "The History of Things That Don't Suck," "Things Everybody Hate," "Why Everything Tastes Like Chicken and other culinary mysteries," and "Where Does That Missing Sock Go?"

Yeah I need to start writing those because I know people will want to read about these things. But first I need to do research about all topics. Shit. Homework that I'm going to do because I want to. I'll probably still procrastinate and get it done at just the last minute. But since I haven't made a deadline for any of them I'll probably never get any of them done.

How did I end up ranting about this?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and were really thirsty so you go downstairs, grab a cup, and because you're afraid the fridge will blind you so you get water from the faucet? And then you realize that the water is warm and crappy so you pour it back down the drain? Yeah I just did that. Except I didn't just wake up. Been up for well over 12 hours. And apparently not only does my water taste crappy but it literally smells like shit. Not sewer shit. And not baby shit either. Those are the worst. Like a shit that smells like a bad fart. So I guess it doesn't really smell shitty but farty. If that's even a word. But now that I think of it, why do baby shits smell just as bad as the sewer? Is it all that liquefied carrots we feed them? I think Gerber is actually a secret government organization designed to make baby shit smell worse than a sewer. As far as I can tell they are getting pretty close if not there already. This kinda scares me. The government has nothing better to do than to make baby shit smell worse than sewer shit. How about fixing the goddamn economy you fucks? Yeah that would be great. I have a few suggestions.

First make subdivisions 100% fucking illegal. They are terrible for the economy. Think back to when you were a little kid. Well those of you who are little kids can go fuck off. But those who are old enough to remember a time when they lived in a town where there were stores on the corner to buy candy and soda and other crap that kids buy. Laundromats, produce stores, delis, banks, grocery stores, hardware stores, gas stations, even movie theaters and tattoo shops. You used to be able to walk to any of these without ever leaving your one horse shit town. But now you live in a no horse sewer town with no stores or anything to provide shit to buy. I like a little commerce in my town. Fuck subdivisions.

You know what? That's my only suggestion for making the economy better. And I bet it would work. Also I wish I had a time machine so I could go live through the 60s, 70s, and 80s. I hope I'm not the only crazy fuck who thinks this would be cool.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Marylin Manson

So last night I had a dream where Marylin Manson was throwing a concert in my front yard except I didn't know about it. So I walk outside to find out what it is that's so loud and I see a huge crowd in front of a stage with Marylin Manson preforming on it. I just stand at my front door in awe. Once the song is over, (I forget which one it was) Marylin Manson walks off stage and onto my front porch and says, "Oh hey man I hope you don't mind but I'm throwing a concert in your front yard. As he is walking back to the stage someone grabs him and puts a shotgun to his head. Manson is just like "Whoa what is this?" At which point somebody with one of those machine guns that has like a belt bullet thing and two more people with shotguns come out of the crowd and make him kneel on my front porch. The first person asks him "Now that your life is in our hands what do you feel?" He looks around with and stares him in the eyes and replies, "Nothing." There is a tense moment where you don't know what is gonna happen next then the first shooter says "Good" and walks away. The others follow. Manson just looks around and says "That's it? Not gonna shoot me pussies?" Then I woke up.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Justice Grandma

Justice Grandma: The old super hero.
She'll kick your ass like Robert Di Niro.
She breaks villain's asses instead of laws.
And her cat sidekick has razor sharp claws.
She is well over ninety years of age.
But if a crook is near she will engage.
She gave birth to Captain America's dad.
He was a pussy ass bitch; not at all rad.
With her freshly baked cookie laser eyes,
She'll put you in a food coma. No lies.
But like all great heroes she must one day die.
The apocalypse is when she will say bye.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I haven't done this in a while.

It's not that I'm ignoring this or that I have nothing to rant about. I just don't have that much time to do everything I want to. So I guess my posts will happen a little less often than I had expected. But oh well. Time to rant about something.

Rock Band 3. Omg I need this game. I know it's another "useless" music based game where you hit colored buttons but this one is different! It actually teaches you how to play real instruments in a mode called "Pro Mode." Okay so basically you need to buy a bunch of equipment in order to play that. Like buy a special guitar controller with 17 frets, each with 6 buttons representing strings and you have to play actual strings at the bottom while holding down... Fuck explaining. It's called the internet. But anyway yeah it teaches you real guitar from that. Also they will have a keyboard! And I'm so psyched!! I don't even need to buy the keyboard controller. Just this 40 dollar MIDI adapter to let me use my keyboard. It's 40 bucks, plus the $60 game is already 100 dollars, but that's better than paying 20 dollars more and having a keyboard that only scales 2 octaves instead of 6. So I got the better deal. Oh and I can use my electric drum set too so that will finally be played.

Speaking of keyboard, I'm learning how to play. Not how to read sheet music. That's for fags. I go to youtube and search for "how to play [insert song name here] on piano" and learn it in a matter of a few hours to a few days. I know A Thousand Miles and scattered others. I don't think I know one FULL song. I'm too much of a quitter. Haha.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

So I probably should post these more often.

But I don't really know what to blog about everyday. Well today was fun already. Went to summer school which sucked but afterward I went to free lunch at the school. Oh boy it was great. We had chicken nuggets and I didn't know this but apparently the limit on trays you can get is two. They told me this AFTER I had already gotten six trays. On the table where me and my friends were sitting we had over 24 trays. Six from me, six from someone else, six from another person, and one to two from various other people. It was pretty awesome cause one of the lunch ladies came over and asked what we were doing. Isn't it obvious? We're eating dumbass. Try to think before you ask questions next time. But yeah that was pretty awesome. Got free beach balls too. But they say, 2005 on them. We got 5 year old beach balls. Five year old balls. Where's Michael Jackson when you need him? Oh yeah. HE DIED.

In all due respect Michael Jackson really was awesome with some of the best music that anyone ever created. At least in the pop genre. Cause seriously I'd much rather listen to Rush, Iron Maiden, Metallica, or something else good. Pop kinda sucks. Not as bad as country tho. I'd rather listen to rap instead of pop or country. And rap is shit.

Note: Not all country and pop sucks. And not all rap is shit.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I went to the mall today. What a surprise! O:

Not really I always go to the mall. It was a pretty interesting day. I met a few new people and some weird stuff happened. Let's start off with the first weird thing. I was walking around with just two friends at the time and some guy grabbed his crotch and one friend said "Eww! He just grabbed his crotch!" So I put my hand straight out and slowly reached down towards my crotch and grabbed. I didn't notice but apparently an old lady saw me do this and gave me the "What the fuck are you doing?" face. That was cool.

Later, I had a Bawls energy drink and when it was mostly empty I just put the can's brim in my mouth and tilted it upward in order to get a drink. My friend told me that I should stop before I spill it on myself to which I reply, "I will never spill it." I of course spilled it right away. Then my friend says, "Maybe you want to wipe that off?" I say, "No. I love Bawls all over my face!" and just my luck would have it, another old lady was walking by at that EXACT moment. Yeah she looked at me with the same face.

A short while after we were walking around (imagine that) and we walked by this person who had his baby in a stroller thing. As SOON as I walked past it, it started crying. WTF! I'm not scary am I?! I mean I was even dressed nice! I was wearing my purple shirt with a purple/gray plaidishy button up over top of it with my girl straight legs. I mean, I look pretty sexy in it.

Then even later, I was standing by an escalator with my friends again and I'm trying to get one of them to do something for me and they wouldn't do it. So I say, "I'll do the puppy dog face." So I did. I bet it was pretty cute. Then this old lady, (not really OLD but probably in her late 30s to mid 40s) said, "With a face like that you have to do whatever it is he wants!" I'm like "Agree with her!" My friend said nothing until the lady left. Then she says, "I think you just got hit on by a cougar." She was right. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Also I HATE my phone. It's shit. Give me a new one. That means you dad. Buy me a not piece of crap.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Camp was... Just read.

Okay I just got back from camp today. And my clock is flashing 1:56. I think the power went out around two hours and a few days ago. Or just two hours. But anyway. I am glad to be home so I can listen to whatever music I want to. I mean the worship band was great and all but one can only take so much Christian rock. Going to camp for the first time was an experience that I won't be forgetting soon. (*one week later* "What was camp?") But yeah for real it was fun. Everyone should go to a camp sometime. And now for the comedic relief.

The entire camp was split up into 12 teams of a bunch of different colors which had a boys side and a girls side and Wednesday was team spirit day. I was on the red team. Just my luck. I have no red clothes. So the girls come up with a bag full of red clothes and one of them hands me a Lincoln Cheerleading shirt. Apparently I wasn't wearing enough red. So the one holding the bag pulls out a skirt. I, of course, put it on. So know I'm wearing a red cheerleader shirt, a red skirt over my blue girl pants (which are mine) and my John Lennon-ish sunglasses with my fedora. If that's not enough, when we get to the worship center I see someone from the boys team putting on lipstick so I thought "Well at least I'm not the only one." So I put some on. My lips. By now I obviously look just like a girl cause all you can see is long hair, a hat, glasses and girl clothes. When we go outside for whatever event it was, someone goes up to my friend, points at me, and says, "Hey. Is she single?" My friend just says, "That's a dude!" I didn't find out till later that night. I almost died of hilarity. And also that night was the first time I ever said, "This tastes funny because of my lipstick." I hope I never say that again.

Also on Thursday there was this thing called the amazing race where we had to go around campus and do random tasks. I guess it's like the show (I wouldn't know. Never seen.) But yeah my team got first! But we didn't get first overall in points. If we did we would've gotten homemade ice cream.

In case you were wondering the teams were:
Light Blue
Dark Blue
Lime Green

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sorry for the delay...

Yeah I've actually been busy lately with summer school and summer partying and all so finding time to post a blog has been... Hectic? Well other than this one I probably won't post a full rant blog for a few days and I'm not even ranting on this one. Maybe a week or two I'll be back. But yeah. I'll talk to you then.

And omg!!! I just found a dead fly in my bed!!!! D: D: D: Scary shit. Gave me mass chills.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I can't think of a title for this one.

Okay so I know I haven't posted all weekend but I was at my dad's house and the only computer access I had was on a huge HDTV. I didn't want my entire family to read what I'm blogging about while blogging it. If they want to read it they can now. Because it's already posted. But anyway. Wtf is up with people saying "rawr" for no reason? I was talking to someone and they said "rawr okay lol" Or some bullshit like that. I mean seriously? I know it's dinosaur for "I love you" but that doesn't mean you're a fucking dinosaur. I have some advice for all of you who say rawr mindlessly: "You're in your teens. It's time to throw childish things aside." But that's not really my advice. My advice is: "Stop being a fucking dinosaur and get a job." Yeah. I said it.

Aside from that what is going on in the world? Some famous people died. Who gives a fuck? Everybody dies. Want me to prove it? Come over here and let me shove a screwdriver in your temple. Stop complaining about how that one black midget was real good. I don't care. All I remember him by was this game where you killed him in a mall.

Well I'm up at 3 a.m. and it's just a few days before Summer School starts. I'm fucked unless I can get my sleep schedule back on track. Which I hope I can. Because if I have to take that class again next year I'm gonna go apeshit fucking crazy. Social studies is the most pointless class in any school. It should be obliterated. Destroyed. Screw the history. Am I supposed to learn from those mistakes of dead dudes? No. I'll just remember the shitty things I did and remember not to repeat them.

Who thinks I cuss to much? If you do then fuck you. Sorry. I probably love whoever I just said that to but I can't change how I talk when you aren't there. There are quite a few people who don't know just how much I cuss. Which is A WHOLE FUCKING LOT. For me, fuck, shit, piss, and damn are words that are just like "the, I, and." Those three words are said erryday by almost everyone. Go ahead and try to go a few days without saying any of them. And that includes "I'm, I'll, I'd" Or any other of those things with the apostrophe.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hey you!

Yes you! Okay I know you probably didn't say "Who me?" and that I just posted like two of these things but I really wanna know how many people are actually reading these. Leave a comment saying anything if you read this post or any other post. Names aren't needed but are preferred. So yeah just a few comments really means a bunch to me. Thank you for taking time out of whatever it was you were doing to read this and I hope you post a comment and continue to read my blog. Eventually I'll figure out what it's about. Thanks again guys! (and gals!)

Well it's official.

I totally failed my civics class for the year. As suspected I did NOT get the 113.5 on my final. Instead I got a 74, making my final year average a total of 58.65. But that doesn't make me stupid. I am in fact very smart. I just don't care. And I'm lazy. Other than my shitty civics grade I got some other good grades. Everything except a D. In Advanced Computer & Tech App I got a 95 A and the gold medal because I was the TOP STUDENT. Not that it matters; that's a horse shit class anyway. In Fine Arts I got an 87 B but not that it matters in this class either. Very dumb and pointless to have. In Honors Algebra II I got a 95 A. BOO-YAH BITCH!! A FUCKING A!! IN THE HARDEST CLASS OF THAT YEAR!!* Yeah you actually need this class I think. In Chemistry I got an 84 C. Also grade but I don't think that one matters much to me. And in my English II class I had received an 80 C. Yeah to me that's pretty good. But I don't need English. I can speak it good.

Anyway... I say anyway too much. Need a different word or something. Anyway I'm probably gonna stay up real late tonight watching movies. Never mind I still don't feel like hooking up my Xbox. I guess I'll just do whatever. Watch the stars. Maybe watch the sunrise. Which way is east? Never... Eat... Soggy... Fuck it's eat. My house is in the way. Oh and the rest of Ludlow cause I'm at the bottom of the entire hill. I wanna go to the incinerator and spend the night there. I gotta stop writing so much on these. It's not like anyone will ever read them. I guess it's my own personal electronic diary that MIGHT be read by a select few. And I don't select them... Yeah... Whatever. I'm done for now.

*I mean for other people. That class was easy for me. AS SHOWN WITH MY 95 FUCKING PERCENT A!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


My brain is like a toilet when it comes to social studies. But that is not why I failed. Let me explain a little more and then I'll let you read an actual poem that I just finished up.

Okay so my brain is pretty much a toilet. I will put whatever I need to know in that toilet like backed up crap. I need to call the plumber. But anyway. All that crap is information regarding social studies. The social studies book is the ass and it shits all the information out into my toilet-like brain. Once done I'm supposed to wipe it's ass and throw that in there too. (Homework) But I never do that. I figure once I call the plumber I'll take a shower too. So anyway when the test comes around I just look in the bowl for what I need and call the plumber. Once the text is over, I flush the toilet and make sure I never see that crap again. But sometimes you get stains. Like "Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the French government on November 10," which is my birthday; or "Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14," which is the day I got hit by a car; or "D-Day is June 6," which is my friend's birthday. That's really all.

Anyway. As promised, here is a poem. Much better than the last one.

What I Write

I write when I'm happy, I write when I'm sad
I write when I'm mellow, I write when I'm mad
I write what I am, I write what I see
I write to get away, I write to be free
Some will say my writing is good
Others will say do better I could
Me, I don't give a damn what you say
It's not like you will make my day
I will make my day. I will make my life
Don't think you can sharpen me like a knife
I am who I am. Who I want to be
If you don't like it, get away from me

So I was gonna sleep...

But I can't. Tv was on. I was catching up on the news so I can pretend to care about what's happening in the world today. And you know what? I can't believe the news today. Can't close my eyes and make it go away. No that was just a U2 song. What I can't believe is... What am I talking about. I STILL have no idea what's going on. What is a "Hung Parliment" and why should I care? What was with this stock market crash that lasted all of five minutes? What is a perfect storm have to do with it? What's this about Greece's economy and when did Germany get involved? And since when is Germany married to four ugly women? (Greece, France, Spain, and Italy) Dear world: WTF is going on?

News today makes no sense. I mean last time I watched the actual news was when Obama won and that was what? Fuck I don't remember... Holy crap was he inaugurated this year?! Damn this is going by slow. But fast. I'll write a poem about it right now.

Terrorists, 2012, and the O-Zone.
To me it seems like we're pretty boned.

Okay I didn't JUST write it. That was a month ago. I'll try again.

The economy right now is pretty fucked.
Picking Obama seem like it sucked.
But other than that there is an oil spill,
Obama's response? He's pretty chill.
Greece is collapsing once again,
They're gonna take us down with them.
Britain now has no Prime Minister.
Not writing a constitution has turned sinister.
Having a Hung Parliment this does mean
And this makes the world un-serene.

Look I know that poem sucked and it wasn't even what I was gonna write about at first, but I wrote it in 20 minutes and it's like 3 in the morning. Give me a break. I actually can write poems but I didn't care too much about that one.

Note: News to me is "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and "The Colbert Report."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Don't want to blog today.

Went to East Fork Lake today. Not really even in a blogging mood but I'm gonna post one of these things ERRYDAY. So if you don't like to read then stop right now. Also if you don't like cussing then stop reading. Cause I cuss a lot. Fuck. There. That's my blog for today.

Oh also. Today was my last day of school. Until the third when I start Summer School. Fun. I know. Because of that I can't go to camp! D:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I guess I'll do another.

I'm not really in a ranting mood so anyone who was hoping for a rant... Well... I'm sorry I guess? I just am happy. Fuck now I'm mad cause I realized I'm mad. But still happy. I'll explain that first. I just love life right now. It's like, so awesome, dude. I've recently realized how awesome I am. And it seems like everybody loves me. It's great.
But anyway, "Fuck now I'm mad" story. I stayed up until 2 in the fucking morning trying to finish that Social Studies extra credit and I didn't even finish it. Then cause I was so tired I didn't wake up until there was only like half an hour left for the exam. I thought about going in and answering everything as "C" but I decided that might insult my lovely teacher Mrs. Hodge. So I came in for my Chemistry exam. For that I knew most of the material but I guessed on most of the math ones. I still got a 78 on it. Pretty good if you ask me.
Tomorrow is Fine Arts and English. Very fun I know. I'll let you know how that goes. Oh and after that... NO MORE SCHOOL!! Except for summer school. But that doesn't count. And after school tomorrow I'm either going to a lake in Ohio (East Fork Lake for all you stalkers) or go to church like I normally do (sorry not telling. I don't want you to know THAT much about me). Just depends on how nice my mom is gonna be.
This summer is gonna be the best ever. I'm gonna see how many fights I can get in and win. I'm a pacifist btw so I don't throw punches. (I told someone once: "I'm a pacifistic optimist who loves love. A hippy") Yet I have won quite a few fights somehow. I've only punched... Like five people no lie and I plan to keep it that way. I do talk an awful lot of shit tho.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Talking out my ass.

This is a blog. By me. NotCody Gavin. I hope you enjoy reading it more than I enjoy typing it out because I am really bored right now. I need a topic to blog about for future blogs. If anyone is reading this and would enjoy me ranting about something rather than just talking out my ass then comment on my latest blog whatever topic. I mean what else am I supposed to do? I guess I'll talk about school. I fucking hate it. My school at least. I've been going there since preschool. I'm tired of it. After 12 years of the same school I just don't care. I wake up at 8, run to school, then either not do my work or just copy off of someone. And in social studies I only do tests and the work that the teacher tells us the answers for. I'm gonna fail that class unless I get a 113.5% or higher on my final on Wednesday. It's theoretically possible if I do this definition thing with 94 words on it. I'll get 20 e.c. points on my exam and from there I just have to get a 100. But since I haven't really been paying attention that ain't gonna happen.
Also FUCK MY COMPUTER! Every 15 to 60 minutes the sound just shuts off and I have to restart whatever it was I was listening to music on! Here I was singing along to Every Rose Has It's Thorn and all of a sudden the sound stops and I hear how tone deaf I am! Fuck! Also It doesn't play movies cause it's Ubuntu and Ubuntu's a bitch. I tried to watch Tropic Thunder on my computer only to find out I can't. And I really don't want to hook up my Xbox just to watch a movie.
Oh Xbox. New topic.
I love Xbox but hate how I have no money to buy games or even Live. I haven't been able to play online since February. And even if I did have money I wouldn't want to spend it now. Two sequels that I NEED are coming out this Summer/Fall. Dead Rising 2 and Portal 2. If you are not familiar with either then go fuck yourself. Uh I mean... Ever heard of Google? Yeah it's not that hard to type in two or three fucking words so don't ask me about them.

Disclaimer: I cuss too much.

EDIT: My Social Studies exam was Tuesday. Not Wednesday. I missed cause I stayed up so late trying to do that crappy extra credit. Then I woke up late for school, looked at my clock, and slammed my fists on the desk screaming, "FUCK!"